

Perceiving Reality, Distortion, and More through Technology

Dozens of Projects Displayed at 2018 Integrated Digital Media Showcase

“Displaying her project ‘Aware,’ Cadence Daniels focused on ethical literacy within product development, in which she created a tool that can help new companies and emerging leaders consider inclusion throughout product ideation and development. ‘This tool aims to bring together corporate responsibility, diversity, and inclusion to the product development stage,’ Daniels said.”

2018 | NYU Tandon School of Engineering


A Staunch Ally: Professor DuBois Honored for His Advocacy

“Although R. Luke DuBois — who co-directs the Integrated Digital Media (IDM) program in Tandon’s Department of Technology, Culture and Society and is an integral part of NYU’s multidisciplinary Ability Project — has made it his mission to diversify the department, his program, and the projects his students create, he brushes off praise of his efforts. IDM student Cadence Daniels, who counts DuBois as an important mentor, was among those who nominated him for the laurel.”

2018 | NYU Tandon School of Engineering


NYU Tandon Featured Alumni

“[Cadence’s] contributions have received immense praise from figures like Dean of Student Affairs Anita Farrington and Executive Director of the NYU Entrepreneurial Institute Frank Rimalovski, and in 2018 she received the Women in STEM Summit Award. ‘While there is no statistical reason for why I was here [at NYU Tandon], I bring something to the table that no one else can. There is a lot of power in diversity and difference, and it goes beyond what I look like or where I came from. It’s the way I think and the way I live,’ she said.”

2018  |  NYU Tandon School of Engineering


NYU Tandon Celebrates Women in STEM

“Over the past seven years [of the NYU Tandon Women in STEM Summit], Dean Farrington and her staff have brought numerous speakers and luminaries in their fields to the NYU Tandon campus during Women’s History Month to share the work they’re doing towards increasing representation within academia and industry.”

“This is the first time in the seven years of hosting the Summit that the award recipient is a student. What is special about Cadence is her ability to merge her creative and technological talents into bettering the world for people like herself.” - Anita Farrington, NYU Tandon Dean of Student Affairs

2018  |  NYU Tandon School of Engineering


NYU's Top Influential Students

"[The] ten undergraduates and one graduate student feature in the following pages aren't rock stars. [Instead] of focusing on how they're perceived, they work tirelessly to strengthen the diverse communities that surround them, and for that, they have garnered the nominations and admiration of their peers."
- Abigail Weinberg, Editor-in-Chief

2017  |  Washington Square News


How to Get Your #GirlBoss On While at NYU

“Considering the diversity and dynamic resources available through both NYU and NYC, your journey as a young entrepreneur will be far from generic. Surrounded by opportunity, life at NYU is a chance to transform your weaknesses into strengths and transform your ideas into innovative solutions.”

2016  |  NYU Entrepreneur    


Profiles In Power: The Student

"It may be Women’s History Month, but at NYU Tandon School of Engineering, we believe in celebrating women in STEM all year round. Whether they’re faculty members, students, or alumni, we salute them for forging a strong and welcoming community for all here at Tandon—and for doing their part to advance science, technology, engineering and math for the benefit of the world."

2016  |  NYU Tandon School of Engineering


Woman Up - The Gender Gap in Entrepreneurship

"Two weeks ago, the Leslie eLab hosted an event called Woman Up, co-produced by the NYU Entrepreneurial Institute, the College of Arts and Sciences Entrepreneurs Association (CASEA), NYC Lean In at NYU, and Women of Entrepreneurship (WoE). The goal was to gather experienced women innovators for a discussion on startup culture and the best practices for aspiring female entrepreneurs."

2015  |  NYU Entrepreneur